I’ve been using zsh for a while, with oh-my-zsh to add a pile of new features to it. Oh-my-zsh is great, and has a lot of useful things in it, but I found it a bit of a pain to keep my fork of it in sync with the main repository and another fork that I’d stolen things from. The fact that it was one giant repository with everything in there didn’t seem quite right to me. Then, I came across zsh-antigen, which promises to be to zsh what Pathogen is to Vim. That sounded good to me, so I gave it a try.
The main difference is that instead of having one repository with all the plugins, it lets you load plugins from pretty much any Git repository. It includes a special case for the oh-my-zsh repository, so you can load plugins and themes from there by default. I’d recommend reading the README in the Antigen repository to get the full story, but I’ll give a quick overview of how I’ve got mine set up here.
First off, I created my own Git repository, and added the Antigen repository as
a submodule. I’ve called mine .zsh-antigen
, and it lives in my home
directory. It’s on Github if you want to
clone or fork it.
Next I created my zshrc
file, at ~/.zsh-antigen/zshrc
. I symlink it into my
home directory to ~/.zshrc
On lines 1 and 2, I set up a variable to refer to the antigen directory, and then load the antigen script itself.
On line 4, we tell antigen to use oh-my-zsh by default. That way, we can load
plugins from there with the antigen-bundle
command. I use a few, the vagrant
and git plugins on all my machines, and I detect Mac OS X and load the osx
plugin if I’m on a Mac.
I use a couple of bundles that don’t belong to oh-my-zsh, too – these are
the zsh-syntax-highlighting
bundle from zsh-users, which adds nice syntax
highlighting to the command line, and the zsh-history-substring-search
that provides history search when you type part of a command and press the up
cursor key. As you can see, if they’re hosted on Github, it’s as easy as
specifying the repos in a “username/repo-name” format.
On line 14, I load a bundle which is local to my config. (It just provides some path detection to tell me what app I’m in when editing files on my work computer. These appear in the right prompt.) You can add as many bundles and as you like, without them having to be part of oh-my-zsh.
Next, on line 16 I apply a theme. This is a theme in the same format as
oh-my-zsh, and just specifies what appears in the left prompt (PS1
, as in Bash
and similar shells) and RPS1
(which is right-aligned and doesn’t normally exist
in Bash).
We then call antigen-apply
last of all, which applies all the
previous configuration. When antigen-apply
is called, it will ensure that it
has all the bundles and themes that have been requested. If not, it will go off
and download them and cache them locally. This means that the first time you
load antigen in a new shell, it’ll wait a few seconds while it goes and grabs
the oh-my-zsh code along with any other bundles you’ve requested.
Underneath this, I place all my useful environment variables, aliases, and
install things like rbenv, the same way as I used to do in Bash. I find this
way of working to be quite a bit cleaner than oh-my-zsh - the .zshrc
I ended up
with in there had quite a lot going on, along with various ‘magic’ things that
I wasn’t keen on. The automatic updating really got on my nerves, even though
it’s supposed to be convenient. Feel free to grab my
repo and use it as a starting point if
it’s helpful.